I enable struggling growth minded individuals, of all ages, to make positive changes and to express life more fully. Using my self-hypnosis, self-help and personal development training, you will draw on inner resources and move toward positive change. Learn to overcome your self-limiting beliefs and achieve your goals!
Welcome to Martin Kiely Hypnosis Centre Online Training Portal – There is probably no easier or more enjoyable way to make changes in your life than with a motivational recording. The effects can be dramatic or they can be subtle. Whichever the case, these powerful tools can help make your life much better.
Martin Kiely Self-hypnosis audio programmes offer the opportunity to experience new techniques and get practical help across a wide range of subjects. You can choose your own pace and listen whenever is most convenient for you.
Self-Hypnosis, Self-Help and Personal Development Training that will help empower you to gain control, achieve goals faster for real life results!
Get started, click one of the portal options below:
Martin Kiely Hypnosis Centre provides professional hypnosis hypnotherapy training and hypnosis services to help people gain control, achieve goals faster for real life results!
- Martin is a Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified Instructor with the National Guild of Hypnotists (NGH) who are the oldest and largest hypnotism orgainization in the world.
- He has been in full time practice in Cork, Ireland, since 1989. Martin maintains a highly successful hypnosis hypnotherapy practice and professional hypnotism training centre approved by the NGH.
- He is the first NGH Board Certified Hypnotist and Certified Instructor in Ireland and is the NGH Ambassador for Ireland.
- Martin was honoured by being featured on the cover of The National Guild of Hypnotists prestigious Journal of Hypnotism, June 2004.
- In 2006, Martin received international recognition for his work in the hypnotism profession. During the banquet and awards ceremony at the National Guild of Hypnotists annual convention and educational conference, NGH president Dr. Dwight Damon presented Martin with the International Visionary Award.
- In 2008 Martin was inducted into the NGH Order of Braid which recognizes a lifetime of outstanding achievement, dedication and service.
- He is the World Hypnotism Day lead for Ireland.
- Martin received recognition for his work in the hypnotism profession and is the recipient of many awards including the Dr. Rexford L. North Memorial Award which is the highest honour given each year by the National Guild of Hypnotists.
Some testimonials from clients who moved forward with the benefit of hypnosis and self-hypnosis audio programmes.

Medical Disclaimer
Hypnosis has proven to be a natural, safe and highly effective way to personal success and freedom. However a hypnotist hypnotherapist may not provide a medical diagnosis or recommend discontinuance of medically prescribed treatments.
If you are currently receiving any form of medical treatment and are taking prescribed medication, you may feel uncertain before beginning any self-hypnosis or hypnotherapy programmes. I suggest perhaps first discussing your intention to avail of our hypnosis services, as a self-improvement option, with your primary care giver.
For a more detailed medical disclaimer please click on the link at the end of this page.
If you have any questions about any the self-hypnosis audio programmes available on this website or should you simply wish to reach us for any other reason, you may do so by contacting us directly